DuoLingo Test Explained

The Duolingo English Test is a standardized test of the English language designed to be internet-based rather than paper-based. DET is an adaptive test that uses an algorithm to adapt the difficulty of the test to the test-taker.

Are you going to take the Duolingo English Test? These tips will help you improve your score immediately.

To go deeper with your preparation, be sure to check out our other popular articles: Duolingo English Test Ultimate Guide and How to Practice for the Duolingo English Test.

What Is A Good Duolingo Test Score?

  • Proficiency DET Score
    Basic 10-55
    Intermediate 60-85
    Upper-Intermediate 90-115
    Advanced 125-160
  • To pass for our universities you need to obtain at least 120 points out of 160.

  • Once you complete and submit a test, you will need to wait for your results before taking a new test. You may purchase three tests in any 30 day period.

Basic 35%
Intermediate 53%
Upper-Intermediate 72%
Advanced 75%

How much is the test?

Duolingo Test costs £60. Students who pass the interview with university they will obtain a voucher to do the duolingo test.

Duolingo doesn’t provide fee waivers directly to students. Rather, Duolingo provides fee waivers to schools and other institutions who then give fee waivers to students.

You should check whether the schools you’re applying to provide fee waivers. Many have formal processes to request one, but many don’t.

👉 To learn everything you need to know about how to get a fee waiver, check out our article: How to Get a Fee Waiver for the Duolingo English Test